Thursday 9 March 2023

Secret Boyfriend : Episode Seven

Scene : Seven (7)

Casts : Lorenzo. Clare. 

Location: Shoe Boutique. (Grandeur Mall.)

Time: Evening.

Plot: Hate or Love ? 

Clare was walking to the shoe boutique when she suddenly noticed someone familiar. She wanted to purchase a stunning heel shoes. However, the tall white man turned his head staring at her. Oh my gosh, it was her ex-boyfriend. Clare did not want to bump into him. She ran out of the boutique pretending he didn't caught her presence. While running away, her handbag dropped on the floor. She felt someone held her arm.

Lorenzo: Hey, Clare. Are you alright? You looking busy running so quickly from who?

Clare : Oh yeah, I'm rushing to a meeting . Hmmmm, you can let your finger off my arm now, Lorenzo. Not cute anymore.

Lorenzo: Ooops , opologise. I can't stop doing that. You know I have been trying to talk to you. But you ignore my messages.

Clare: You wanted a break up. I won't talk to my ex-boyfriend unless we are a friend then. You are my foe or which one? I know you have tons of admirers. I am not your type. Stop imagining about us. It's never exist, Lorenzo.Oh yeah, I can see you with your girlfriends now. Hmmmm.... lovely indeeed. Your new lover is here, that's wonderfully sexy. So, what you want more, Mr. Lorenzo? Damn. Shut up, please.

Lorenzo: Haha! Yeah, Clare. I won't stop talking about you or us. Those girls - waiting further for my drama with you. They are my part time lovers. Doesn't that count on you? You don't care about me. And hence, why you asking now.  Shut up, Clare! I am reporting this to your Dad! You are Insane! I am making sure your dad will accept me as your future husband. Are you listening, Clare?! I have a huge business deal with your dad. If you reject my wedding proposal, your dad will lose his big client as me!!! Now what, Miss Princess ????

Clare: What? What you mean? Whose wedding? Stop your threat Lorenzo. I don't care. You better go ahead with your lovers. I am not your part-time future wife. You will regret one day if I show you my new boyfriend. He better be more devoted than you Lorenzo. You just a loser! Can't stay permanent with your lover. You are just boring ever! Hope you be glad with your lover. Goodbye Mr. Lorenzo!!!!!

Lorenzo: I'll ensure you never bliss with your whoever crush. Damn, you never can be with any who cause I will be your shadow here there and after. You can't ignore me ever again. Uh yeah, regret or never. Your life ,Clare. See you , wherever .

Clare : Shut up, Lorenzo! You crazy or me ? Whatever Mr. Ex Boyfriend. Damn it! Ishhhh...Ishhhh...

To be continued.....

Next Chapter →


Celebrity Crush : Chapter Three [ 3 ]

 Scene : Three  Chapter : Three  Location : Mansion . Library room on the third floor . Casts : Princess . Tiffany . Little Jenny. Time : Ea...

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