Monday 31 July 2023

Celebrity Crush : Chapter Two

 Scene : Two

Location : Mansion 's living room. 

Casts : Princess. Tiffany. Christopher.

Time: Evening. Almost after 7pm.

Chapter : Two

Plot: Must I know who you smooching with? Scandalous affair.


Good evening , Tiffany! How's your stay here? Your couple of weeks on vacation ? You are smiling presently must be somehow interesting.



Evening to you , sweetie! Whoa . Tremendously a delight to the whole city for a tourist as me. Your home is cozy and a place I want to live one day. Perhaps in my dreams. What a fascinating seaview mansion! My sincere smile only shown for a friendly hosts exactly like the both of you - princess and christopher. [ Behaving as though no spark between her and christopher.]


Yes , my sweetheart darling prince. You have returned from your office. You look gloomy, exhausted. Pretty quiet, today. Any exclusive news from your job ? I am here to listen to your issues, darling.


Oh yeah, my princess. My projects have never been a stop currently. Ongoing business deal for the next weeks and continuous months , baby. I am hectic to communicate with you .However , a while don't kill me , right ? How's the baby boy in your tummy? Can I hear the baby talking or I should talk to the baby? 


Wow , it's lovely to watch you talking to the baby ? The baby must been missing her daddy. 


[ Walking slowly to princess . He quickly rubbed her tummy and talked kindly to the baby. ] Hello , my handsome baby boy - have you eaten enough nutrients food ? Do you miss your daddy papa? Whoa I can hear you kicking your mummy's tummy ? Ouch be nice to mummy. She's going to look after you when daddy busy away to office. 


Wow , eww , darling . Thanks you for the sweet words . The baby can sleep well now , my baby cutie.


I am going to do some job near our garden. Or else find me near the big pool , babe. I am exhausted.


Cool. I am leaving , going to my bedroom . Talk soon besties. [ Rushing to the bedroom.]

Half an hour has passed. Princess in the living room watching a quick television show. At the same time , waiting for her husband , christopher , to go for early bed . To no avail , he never enter the house or even passed by her in the room. He might has lots of work projects or documents to settle. It was getting late night . Princess was tired seated on the comfy couch . She turned off the Tv screen instantly , walking to the big pool outside . She looking for her darling outdoor but he was unseen. All around her was tall palm trees and greenery bushes. The outdoor table and chair were vacant. Only left some files. and books belongs to Christopher . She overheard a soft voices of a lady and a male voice somewhere near her. 


How many times must I repeat ? Don't talk to me now  , Princess shouldn't know our secrets . You are putting me in trouble here. I know you liked me now or whenever . Hence , stop what you are doing , babe ! You can do my photo shoot modelling for a magazine - if you don't trust I am absolutely busy with my jobs. Yeah yeah , I  adore you that much . More than my life. What else babe ? You are putting me in a hot soup of misery ! 


Whoa , baby honey. My handsome king , boyfriend . Please don't  be fuming with anger . She won't know I am here with you , sweetie honey . She is busy with her baby . Feeding the baby before the baby born just for you , am I right ? I missed you just now . Just wanted to talk to you before I go to bed . Was it wrong  to be with you ? I can't wait to be your other wife . I am hungry of your sweet love and hours of cuddles . I am your sexy super model . yeah yay baby !


[ Popped out from nowhere .] What was that conversation about , christopher ?  Tiffany , is everything , fine ? I shouldn't be here but I need to know the truth . You have a new crush , Tiffany . That's fabulous to know . My husband has an affair with my friend ? Hmmm not amazing to hear but was it the fact , christopher ? 


Hey , darling . You should go to bed early . What you talking about ? Meaning , you heard our chat ? Wait , princess ! I can explain the entire misunderstanding . I am giving her a job offer as our model for a well- known magazine . You be glad to hear your bestie got a job here , darling. 


Mr. christopher , don't unanswered my questions . don't have any secrets between us . You marry me for what purpose ? Am I your wife or mistress ? Or what now ? Money , high status or true love ? you decide or I will leave you alone with your new lover . I am getting bored with assumptions and confusion . Certainly endless asking you the reality of your affair . You don't loved me like you do before . Goodbye ! [ Walking briskly to her room. ] 


Ouch princess don't leave . Let me explain first . Aww it's hurting so much more . I will be back to our 'castle' , pretty woman . Don't be sad ! [ Turning his head at tiffany . ] 


Oops , I am sorry . She is disheartened . Where is she going later ? Do you still adore her or how ? Haha . Failure ! 


You ! Shut up , Tiffany . I am puzzled with this problems . You shouldn't be here but it's the ultimate failure . It's a skunk talk , you get it . I can save my knot with her but you want so much more than I cannot manage . One body - two love is strange . I still wait for her . Unless , you give up for someone else , then , I can do more comfort princess . You make up your mind later . I will consider the true love of mine . Who is your Mr. King ? Hmm .


Hey Mr. Handsome . Marry me if I am your crush . Do you think I am proud to see you with your princess ? I want you in my life . It's my demand , Christopher . You can forget her cause I am the reason to why you choose me as your girlfriend . I am tremendously more stunning and loving than princess . You will never be with me if you have been grateful with who princess was in the first place . Promise , marry me , my sweetie honey baby . I will be here till the last breath. 


Yeah babe. As you wish , I be your man . Anything you wish for but don't ever hurt my princess . She is giving birth to my child pretty soon. Love you , babe. [ Unhappy smile. ] Your choice - Listen to my rules or you will regret , hungry , thirsty of my affection , honey girlfriend . Got to go to my bedroom . Good night ,  sleep tight . Cuddle you every now and then . 

Next chapter ↪


Celebrity Crush : Chapter Three [ 3 ]

 Scene : Three  Chapter : Three  Location : Mansion . Library room on the third floor . Casts : Princess . Tiffany . Little Jenny. Time : Ea...

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