Thursday 9 March 2023

Secret Boyfriend : Episode Seven

Scene : Seven (7)

Casts : Lorenzo. Clare. 

Location: Shoe Boutique. (Grandeur Mall.)

Time: Evening.

Plot: Hate or Love ? 

Clare was walking to the shoe boutique when she suddenly noticed someone familiar. She wanted to purchase a stunning heel shoes. However, the tall white man turned his head staring at her. Oh my gosh, it was her ex-boyfriend. Clare did not want to bump into him. She ran out of the boutique pretending he didn't caught her presence. While running away, her handbag dropped on the floor. She felt someone held her arm.

Lorenzo: Hey, Clare. Are you alright? You looking busy running so quickly from who?

Clare : Oh yeah, I'm rushing to a meeting . Hmmmm, you can let your finger off my arm now, Lorenzo. Not cute anymore.

Lorenzo: Ooops , opologise. I can't stop doing that. You know I have been trying to talk to you. But you ignore my messages.

Clare: You wanted a break up. I won't talk to my ex-boyfriend unless we are a friend then. You are my foe or which one? I know you have tons of admirers. I am not your type. Stop imagining about us. It's never exist, Lorenzo.Oh yeah, I can see you with your girlfriends now. Hmmmm.... lovely indeeed. Your new lover is here, that's wonderfully sexy. So, what you want more, Mr. Lorenzo? Damn. Shut up, please.

Lorenzo: Haha! Yeah, Clare. I won't stop talking about you or us. Those girls - waiting further for my drama with you. They are my part time lovers. Doesn't that count on you? You don't care about me. And hence, why you asking now.  Shut up, Clare! I am reporting this to your Dad! You are Insane! I am making sure your dad will accept me as your future husband. Are you listening, Clare?! I have a huge business deal with your dad. If you reject my wedding proposal, your dad will lose his big client as me!!! Now what, Miss Princess ????

Clare: What? What you mean? Whose wedding? Stop your threat Lorenzo. I don't care. You better go ahead with your lovers. I am not your part-time future wife. You will regret one day if I show you my new boyfriend. He better be more devoted than you Lorenzo. You just a loser! Can't stay permanent with your lover. You are just boring ever! Hope you be glad with your lover. Goodbye Mr. Lorenzo!!!!!

Lorenzo: I'll ensure you never bliss with your whoever crush. Damn, you never can be with any who cause I will be your shadow here there and after. You can't ignore me ever again. Uh yeah, regret or never. Your life ,Clare. See you , wherever .

Clare : Shut up, Lorenzo! You crazy or me ? Whatever Mr. Ex Boyfriend. Damn it! Ishhhh...Ishhhh...

To be continued.....

Next Chapter →

Secret Boyfriend : Episode Six

Scene : Six (6)

Casts : Clare. Manager. Gloria (Secretary.)

Location : Clare's  Office

Time : Morning

Plot: Calling the Hot date Service! So what will be the deal for her?

Boom!!!!!! A loud door sound heard far outside her office room where all colleagues constantly passing by the Fashion spacious office . [ A sign of fabulous opportunity awaits for you.]

Clare: Good morning, am I calling the exact hotline? Can I speak to the person in charge of the hot date service ?

Manager: Yes , Miss. When do you need the service? Please update me your personal particulars to be of service for you. 

Clare: Certainly, sure. I want good looking masculine date. Can I choose? I am Miss. Clare. My hotline is 378-33377828. I'll message you my particulars later after I hang up the phone.

Manager: What kind of location or event you asking this date to attend for ?

Clare: It's my dad's Business Dinner and Dance Event. Ensure he is off ready for this red carpet grand event in the evening. Wearing gold suit is compulsory.

Manager : I will wait for your information soon before the event. Please make instant payment once after you meet the date we send to you. Miss, do you need me to send the profile of your current date via email ? What else you need for this event?

Clare: Oh thank you much. That's about all. Talk to you very soon. Your service is awesome.

A knock on the door. Her secretary opened the door wide and entered the room instantly.

Secretary: Clare, you have got an important call just now. However, you are busy on the next phone line. Its pertaining to a charity job that you would like to provide some assistance. Would you still interested to participate ? Hence, how would I go about managing these offer?

Clare: Hmmm....., yes Gloria. I am in a middle of urgent matters. Please provide my cash cheque as soon as you return. I am making a donation to this organisation for the unfortunate families , kids together with the elderly. This a huge assistance for them to celebrate life and make everyday ends meet. How about $80,000 ? Is it sufficient?

Secretary[Gloria] : Oh yes, CEO, Clare. That's very generous of you. Very kind indeed yet specific. I'll be back ready for the cheque for you to sign . If there anything more to announce me or I should bring the cheque.

Clare: Yes , one more note. Please let the director of the organisation know that I'll be coming to their office center . I 'll might participate in the charity event and seeing the families as well. Please update me when the confirmation date so I can make myself available. Thank you much, my pretty Gloria.

Gloria: Certainly, Miss Clare. I be right back soon. Thank you. [Walking with her high heel shoes to the door. Subsequently, closed  the door swiftly.]

Next chapter →

Secret Boyfriend : Episode Five

Scene: Five

Cast : Clare

Location: Clare's Living Room . Condominium.

Time : Afternoon.

Plot: Immediate Attention. Read your letter! Saving your Life! 

Right after her work, she dashed to the personal mailbox. She got a few couple of mails for her. She quickly put them in her red handbag. Taking a staircase to her apartment to the third floor. A wonderful daily exercises for her body - looking slim and fit. Entering her apartment was ultimately heaven. Push her body on the couch. Checking, reading her mails. One of the mails, caught her attention. A red heart letter, smelt a strong floral fragrance delivered to Clare.

The mailing letter written as this →

Exclusive Services Everywhere Right At Your Door!

Don't Fret. Panic. Lonely? Boring ? Need a Companion?

A Romantic Date ? We've got you covered!

Call our hotline Now → 1800-2828-4228

Charges per Hour/Day.

Service → Negotiable!

Hot Gorgeous Date

Waiting For You! Don't Miss This A Lifetime Chance!



Clare : Oh Yes! Thanks to God! I have got the help. Perhaps, from the angel above. My dad going to see my fake husband soon! Oh yeah, this is hilariously adorable.... Yes!!! [ Jumping , yelling in victory! - Shaking her booty all around the room. Her dad expectation absolutely- Done!] 

Next Chapter →

To be continued......

Secret Boyfriend: Episode Four

Scene : Four

Casts : Clare. Clare's Dad.

Location: Home [Condominium] High-rise Condominium.

Time: Evening after her job.

Plot: An invitation letter to attend. Are you coming?

Clare was busy watching her television program. Out of a sudden, she received a phone call- buzzing continuously. Her dad called her, his name appeared on the phone screen. She immediately answered the call. Her dad rarely called her. However, it could be pretty emergency. What was it about? Her dad deep voice blaring across her mobile phone.

Dad: Clare! Omg,clare. Are you there? Or lost My kiddo? Clare, stop hiding. Your dad, here.

Clare: Yes, dad. I am listening. What was it?

Dad: Okay calm down, honey. I am organising a grand evening dance event specifically for my clothing boutique. It's very huge , classic and rich. Inviting all my Vip clients and business partners for this exclusive entrance . Will you be coming , my daughter?


 Clare: Oh, my dad! I'm thrilled as well as excited. When will that be? Any delicious foods, buffet for me? Yeah, I will bring along my buddies too. Indeed, enlightening, Yes.....Yes.

Dad: Oh my goodness, yes bring your fabulous squad. However, on one condition, your lifetime partner, boyfriend or future husband? Anything you mention it. I request his. As soon as you step into this grand event. if you not inviting him , I am not allowing you to see me . I am very stern about this requests. You get it on your head, Clare. Your dad not a clowning joker.

Clare: Dad! No way! This not happening. Are you out of your mind? I am pretty busy. I have got no date for the past years. Please be more lenient, my handsome dad. Hahahahaha, I am laughing about your demands.

Dad: Yeah, my stunning daughter. I have got fax coming in. Talk to you later. Please be braced. The event by end of the month. No boyfriend, no dance buffet.

The phone hanged up instantly. After the severe warnings. Clare wasn't thrilled but panic despair. She really wished to attend the grand event. However, her dad not in a joyous mood this week. Yeah, his upcoming fashion trend for the ladies and gentlemen, making him working round the clock. Less time for his family. Nonetheless, he was very concerned  pertaining to Clare steady boyfriend. Not expecting Clare being single all the time.

P/S I am doubting she has found a lover in a short period of time. Will she be attached after the demands?

Next Chapter →

Stay tuned. More patience. Working on the next characters and stories. Enjoy life.


Celebrity Crush : Chapter Three [ 3 ]

 Scene : Three  Chapter : Three  Location : Mansion . Library room on the third floor . Casts : Princess . Tiffany . Little Jenny. Time : Ea...

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